Monday, October 22, 2012


Peepers part 2 has started over at the Study Group Comics website!

And don't forget to read part 1!

Here's a preview of my Snakebomb 3 story, "Heroin Demon." Please check out Snakebomb's bigcartel and buy some stuff from there to help support the printing of Snakebomb 3.

A panel from a story called "Ugly Moon," possibly be published soon.

"Witch carrot to eat?"
a piece for the Witchipedia show, curated by Amy Kuttab, showing this month at the Pony Club gallery.

"Abysmal Pit" my VHS box art for Marc J. Palm's VHS Art New Wave show, now on display at Seattle's own Scarecrow Video.

You can read Vulture Heck and Get Undressed in their entirety online! Vulture Heck is here.  Get Undressed part 1. part 2. part 3.
I'm sorry to deny you for so long bloggerz.
go to tumblerrz.